Services > Mechanical Design > Outdoor Units

Outdoor Units
ELPD has an extensive knowledge and experience in the development of outdoor systems.
Our engineers have been involved in the design and production of telecommunication & electronic outdoor cabinets and units, RF & Microwave outdoor systems and antennas with operational capabilities in extreme temperatures, high humidity and rainy/windy conditions.
ELPD’s units operate in desert, naval, and harsh chemical environments.
The company provides solutions for heat removal from high power systems, cable management and RFI/EMI system protection.

MBW 2000, MBW 1000, MBW 500 Mobile Broadband Wireless Mesh Wi-Fi Units

PH-500S Outdoor Unit - Millimeter Wave Point To Point Communication System

Wireless Broadband Communication Unit

3D LEVEL SCANNER - For Powders & Solid Materials Level Measuring

Ticketing Systems For Stade de France


Ticketing Systems For Wembley Stadium

RFID System For Wembley Stadium Access Control

BST Antenna

Antenna Grid With Azimuth & Elevation Rotation System

ODRtmLV: Omni-Directional Imaging System For Light Vehicles

Wireless Communication Outdoor Unit

HMCU - HF Antenna Tester

Outdoor Communication Cabinet

WBS OMNI 2400/5800 - Wireless Communication Base Station

Millimeter Wave Outdoor Unit

PANCODE - Outdoor Intercom Unit